[arch-devops] [arch-dev-public] Migrating mail server on Sunday

Florian Pritz bluewind at xinu.at
Sun Sep 3 12:44:44 UTC 2017

On 02.09.2017 20:33, Florian Pritz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> I will migrate our mail server from nymeria to orion on Sunday
> (tomorrow, September 3rd) starting around 12:00 UTC. The domains will
> stay the same

Just for the record, the correct settings to receive/send mails are as

SMTP server: mail.archlinux.org
SMTP port: 587 (STARTTLS)

IMAP server: mail.archlinux.org
IMAP port: 143 (STARTTLS), 993 (TLS)

POP3 server: mail.archlinux.org
POP3 port: 110 (STARTTLS), 995 (TLS)

Usernames are the system user names, passwords are set via `passwd`.

> User passwords are not migrated so you will have to set the password
> again on orion using `passwd`. If you have already set a password
> previously but forgot it, I can remove the password for you.

Looks like passwords were disabled by default on orion for new users so
I might have to reset them even if you never set one there because while
it's disabled you won't be able to confirm your "old" password when
using `passwd`.

Apart from this the migration is over now and everything should work as
usual. I'll continue to monitor the logs for a bit, but if you notice
any issues, please tell me via direct mail (just in case) or IRC.


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