[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Azureus

Simo Leone simo at archlinux.org
Fri Apr 11 21:24:33 EDT 2008

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 04:59:07PM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> 2008/4/11 Ondřej Kučera <ondrej.kucera at centrum.cz>:
> Interesting point. I checked up on it and it IS orphaned.
> I'll CC the dev list to see if anyone is interested in it. If not,
> then perhaps it would be best to move it to community.

This might be a good time to bring this up. I don't know. It used to be
my package, and easy to deal with at that. But at some point someone
went through and added nine patches removing support for things like osx
and other junk, so I figured they probably wanted to maintain it and
orphaned it. Guess not.

Another change that was made was to make it compile from source...
Now, Azureus is a java package, compiling it ourselves is of no benefit
whatsoever since java uses a virtual machine.

I'm willing to update it again, but is it ok with everyone if I don't
compile it from source, or is there something I'm missing?

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