[arch-general] Scanner only works as root

Allan McRae mcrae_allan at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 5 20:04:22 EST 2008

Allan McRae wrote:
> Antonio de la Rosa wrote:
>> Renan Birck escribió:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have an HP Photosmart C3180 all-in-one (printer/scanner/copier).
>>> Installed cups, hplip, sane.
>>> Printing works. Scanning, however, only works as root, otherwise xsane
>>> says that there are no devices.
>>> But if I chmod 777 -R /dev/bus/usb/* it works for my current user;
>>> therefore I deduce it is a permission problem. This looks like an udev
>>> problem, however my udev knowledge is next to null.
>>> What steps could I take to solve this problem? I would like to get rid
>>> of this ugly hack.
>>> Thanks.
>> Do you have your user in scanner group?
> I have the same problem with HP Deskjet F380 All-in-one.  Adding 
> myself to the scanner group didn't help.
> http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=43356
Well the solution turns out to be rather simple...

 >cd /dev/bus/usb
 >ls -lR

Note that your printer/scanner/copier is probably given permissions 
root:lp.  So add yourself to the lp group
 > usernod -a -G lp <username>


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