[arch-general] libdts + fglrx questions

Chad McAuley chizad at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 16:49:25 EST 2008

richard terry wrote:
> Every time I upgrade I get:
> ?replace libdts with libdca,

I remember seeing this during an upgrade a while back, and it looks like 
it's just a package rename.  I accepted it and haven't had any problems. 
  However, it looks like it's a library to handle DTS decoding, which I 
don't use since my Arch system doesn't have a DVD drive in it.

> and
> replace fglrx with catalyst.

This is just a package rename as well.  ATI has renamed their linux 
drivers to have the same name as their Windows drivers do.

> What's the difference, is it safe to say yes (especially to the video driver)?

Yeah, both should be fine.  They're normal package upgrades, the names 
of the packages just happen to have changed.

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