[arch-general] Any way to decrypt hashes set by ssh HashKnownHosts?
David Rosenstrauch
darose at darose.net
Tue May 20 17:37:46 EDT 2008
Aaron Griffin wrote:
>> Anyone know if there's any way to decrypt the hashes created by the
>> HashKnownHosts setting?
> I think the whole point is that they *are* one way hashes. The only
> think I can think of is to find the algorithm they use (sha1?) and
> hash the hostnames that you know, then compare.
> Alternatively, just remove those two and if you get the "(yes/no)"
> prompt you know that's the host 8)
That's kinda what I thought. Although, one of the hostname strings had
an "=" at the end, so I was wondering if it might just have been
something base64-oriented.
Unfortunately I have no idea what machines they are. They're not
machines that I use often (e.g., my home server, or my hosting isp), and
since they're at the bottom of the known_hosts file (and have been
hashed, which I think is a fairly recent setting change for Arch's
openssh package) I assume they've been added recently. So I'm guessing
they're machines here on our work network, and I'd like to know which
ones. I can't think of any new machines I've SSH'ed into lately, though.
Ah well. I deleted them from the known_hosts, and turned HashKnownHosts
off for now, and I guess I'll just pay close attention the next time SSH
asks me about a new host.
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