[arch-general] Fosdem 2009

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Thu Nov 6 00:02:28 EST 2008

Fosdem is a pretty big FOSS-related conference in Brussels, Belgium 
(Europe). ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSDEM, http://fosdem.org)
They basically do/allow 4 things:
- devrooms: foss projects can have rooms to 
meet/discuss/hack/demonstrate/plan IRL with other devs.  Members of the 
community can go in too, although even in the biggest rooms you can get 
maximum 40 people or so IIRC.  (the Gentoo devrooms used to be full 8-)
- lightning talks: 15 minutes for someone involved in a (new) project to 
present it to the community
- "real" talks:  IIRC about 1hour.  usually for bigger known projects 
like xorg etc.
- stands: there is also the fair part, where projects can have stands to 
show off their project, sell merchandise,..

If any of these sounds interesting for Arch, you can still apply.


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