[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] pkgstats: first results

Attila attila at invalid.invalid
Mon Nov 10 13:17:52 EST 2008

On Montag, 10. November 2008 08:28 Allan McRae wrote:

> Yes, but it better than making conclusions based on no numbers.

That is right.-)

What i'm wondering a bit is that there is no release number in "pkgstats -s". 
I don't want to make it more difficult as necessary and i don't want to
critize something but from my view this is the only chance to recognize if
people stay with an older version or with an own version of a package.

If this is not relevant for the stats or something for pkgstatsver=1011.0
ignore my lines.-)

Finally: Nice idea to have this web pages and thanks everyboy for his work.

See you, Attila

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