[arch-general] Weird upgrade problem ??

Niels Rasmussen nielsrasmus at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 07:38:04 EST 2008

Hi all

I've just installed Arch linux again after 9 month with Ubuntu and several  
other distros (yeah, they all come back! :-))

I've followed "The Beginners Guide" and did everything as described.

Anyway, I've got the system up and running, and now writing in X (openbox)  
 from opera Mail.

I've tried to install the nvidia-71xx driver because I know it supports my  
VideoCard Geforce 6600GT.

But apparently it doesn't work, so I uninstalled it, reinstalled libgl,  
did a depmod -a and rebooted.

Now in X I can install programs just fine with pacman but pacman -Syu  
results in some strange errors I havn't seen before.

Here goes:
bash-3.2# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
  core is up to date
  extra                    412,9K 1535,6K/s 00:00:00  
[########################################################] 100%
  community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets (59): bash-3.2.039-3  texinfo-4.13a-1  m4-1.4.12-1   
autoconf-2.63-1  binutils-2.18-9  bzip2-1.0.5-3
               openssl-0.9.8i-1  run-parts-2.30-1   
ca-certificates-20080809-4  cracklib-2.8.13-1
               e2fsprogs-1.41.3-2  popt-1.14-1  cryptsetup-1.0.6-2   
dhcpcd-4.0.3-1  dialog-1.1_20080819-1
               ed-1.1-2  filesystem-2008.07-1  fakeroot-1.10.1-1   
file-4.26-1  flex-2.5.35-1  gmp-4.2.4-1.1
               mpfr-2.3.2-2  gcc-4.3.2-1  gettext-0.17-2  grub-0.97-13   
hdparm-8.9-1  hwdetect-0.9.1-2
               util-linux-ng-2.14-1  udev-130-1  initscripts-2008.09-2   
iputils-20071127-2  jfsutils-1.1.13-1
               klibc-1.5.14-1  klibc-extras-2.5-1   
klibc-kbd-1.15.20080312-7  klibc-module-init-tools-3.4-2
               klibc-udev-130-1  libtool-2.2.6a-1  logrotate-3.7.7-3   
man-pages-3.11-1  mdadm-2.6.7-1
               mlocate-0.21-1  module-init-tools-3.4-1  nano-2.0.9-1   
pam-1.0.2-2  pciutils-3.0.2-1
               pcmciautils-015-2  perl-5.10.0-4  procinfo-19-3   
procps-3.2.7-5  psmisc-22.6-2  rp-pppoe-3.10-1
               sdparm-1.03-1  shadow-  tzdata-2008h-1   
vi-7.2.25-1  wget-1.11.4-1  which-2.20-1

Total Download Size:    0,00 MB
Total Installed Size:   250,03 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
checking package integrity...
(59/59) checking for file conflicts                  
[########################################################] 100%
error: could not prepare transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/Kbuild exists in filesystem
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/a.out.h exists in filesystem
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/acpi.h exists in filesystem
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/agp.h exists in filesystem
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/alternative-asm.h exists in filesystem
klibc: /usr/lib/klibc/include/asm/alternative.h exists in filesystem

=== SNIP ===

Anyone knows what this  is about ??

It is the first time I have experienced problems in Arch Linux.

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