[arch-general] Install Arch from network - Wiki page

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Fri Oct 17 04:11:02 EDT 2008

Strika schrieb:
> I made some changes to 
> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Install_Arch_from_network_(via_PXE). 
> This is my first contribution to Arch Linux wiki, and to any wiki pages.

Welcome to Arch!

> Can someone please check my work. I'm not expert Linux user, but I just 
> finished install to some old lap-top over LAN and I found wiki paged 
> incomplete and bit confusing. I'm also not native English speaker.
> I also fount this page http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tftpd_server, 
> which I think describes similar thing, so I tried to merge both pages 
> and I don't know if both pages are necessary.

It's always great if someone kills the wrong and confusing stuff from 
the wiki. I won't have time to check your pages, but I am sure on of the 
active archwikians will.

> Sorry if this is not right place to write.

This is the right place for all arch-related discussion, except for 
trolling and ranting. You're not the first one to request a new wiki 
article to be proof-read here, so don't worry.

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