[arch-general] How does pacbuild work?

Dominik Schips dominik at s235.de
Sun Aug 2 05:21:28 EDT 2009


I want to know if it is necessary for pacbuild (strawberry daemon) to be
accessible direct by IP/DNS of the apple daemon?

As I read here http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacbuild_Explained I
thing it should be direct acessible but I am not sure.

"Apple is the main server. PKGBUILDs are submitted here, and apple does
the dirty work of contacting build machines and telling them to do

The problem is that the possible build machine (x86_64) I want to offer
the project is in a DMZ which is not direct accessible. Only outgoing
traffic is allowed.

Maybe I can make it direct accessible but first I want to know
if it is really necessary.


Best regards

Dominik Schips
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