[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] udev-145-1

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi vmlinuz386 at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Aug 2 22:21:57 EDT 2009

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:
> Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:
>> Tobias Powalowski wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> bump to latest udev version, please test it well.
>>> Has many new things included, which also dig in glib2 and libusb depend.
>>> greetings
>>> tpowa
>> Sign-off both i686, x86_64.
>> All boot OK, (custom kernel no initrd) no special setups, like raid or
>> lvm. My usb devices are with the correct perms (4-in-1 reader, pendrive,
>> ipod, mp3 player). The firmware for my printer is loaded OK, and kvm-88
>> still boot both arches (Arch Linux kernel):)
>> One sidenote, this version support ACL, so I guess that is better now to
>> switch /dev from ramfs to tmpfs in initscripts. (the current udev
>> documentation talks about tmpfs not ramfs)
> By the way, doing this also will help, at least in one step, this
> feature request (FS#15612 - better support for selinux) [#1]
> [#1] http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/15612
I filled a FS [#1] with the patch

Sidenote2: This udev bump from minimal kernel version from 2.6.22 to
2.6.25 (mandatory) because use the signalfd(). An announce required?

[#1] http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/15766

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
KeyID: 0x1B8C330D
Key fingerprint = 0CAA D5D4 CD85 4434 A219  76ED 39AB 221B 1B8C 330D

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