[arch-general] Painful installation of 4.3 - some general advice needed.

Ali H. Caliskan ali.h.caliskan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 10:10:27 EDT 2009

...says the "sweet talker" who knows what he talks about. Why  don't you
patch your fracking mount as you patch the PKGBUILDS!

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org>wrote:

> Ali H. Caliskan schrieb:
>> Well, I'm not a Chakra or kde user but I can say that I quite familiar
>> with
>> the PKGBUILDS of core and extra packages, and needless to say, it's not
>> always consistent most of the times. So stop blaming others and work your
>> ass off when required!
> Very polite of you. Let me reply with an equally polite "Shut up, when you
> don't know what you are talking about".
> None of the packaging problems mentioned in the original post exist in
> core/extra, there are no file conflicts when using kde from extra, and there
> is not a single package in extra (and probably also community)that requires
> or uses libjpeg.so.62.
> The only explanation I have is:
> - chakra installs outdated versions of arch packages in combination with
> kdemod packages which depend on libjpeg.so.6
> - chakra installs kdemod, which since extra/kde 4.3 was released don't have
> proper conflicts= tags, so there will be file conflicts unless you delete
> the kdemod packages first.
> All the problems mentioned in this "fresh installation" result from the
> fact that the system was installed from chakra and has non-official packages
> on it that induce incompatibilities with the stock package set.

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