[arch-general] Howto adjust font scaling in Arch? All fonts look a bit big and fat?

David C. Rankin drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com
Tue Aug 25 18:34:48 EDT 2009

On Monday 24 August 2009 03:46:19 pm Xavier wrote:
> afaik, gnome/kde (and maybe xfce and other desktop) provide a gui to
> configure DPI and set the DPI themselves.
> for example on gnome :
> xrdb -q | grep dpi
> Xft.dpi:        98
> but I can edit that in gnome font gui. I am fairly sure kde has a
> similar setting, in its font panel as well.

Huh? Cool,

	I've learned way more than my "1 new thing" today. I have a general question 
about handling querying remote displays via ssh. Normally, with everything 
from nvidia-settings or anything that requires a display, you can't get 
anything of use because you don't have access to the display. Example:

17:23 archangel:~> xrdb -q
xrdb: Can't open display ''

	Is there anyway to get around this limitation other than opening some type of 
remote desktop? Some way to query the remote display?

	While on this stray tangent -- is there anyway to make kde4 readable over 
vnc? IIRC, kde4 looks terrible when using vncserver because it is a native 32-
bit color app and the vnc session doesn't handle it. Two questions: (1) is 
this right, if not, then why? and (2) is there any other remote desktop app 
that will handle kde4 better?

	Lastly, "xrdb -q | grep dpi" doesn't seem to be set on any of my Arch or suse 
boxes -- should it be? If so, to what? Thanks.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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