[arch-general] Latest updates messed up kdemod3 libjpeg.so.62?

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Tue Jul 28 17:08:56 EDT 2009

Eric Bélanger schrieb:
> report that to Chakra. Looks like kdemod3 needs to be rebuilt against libjpeg 7.

Reports about libjpeg+kdemod breakage have been coming in for a while. 
The SONAME bump was announced on arch-dev-public, then packages went to 
testing a week later, then the packages stayed in testing for another 
two weeks - so they had 3 weeks to fix their stuff, thus it really can't 
be our fault.

Given the popularity of kdemod, it is sad that they can't seem to keep 
up with Arch's development.

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