[arch-general] lddd from devtools rewritten

clemens fischer ino-news at spotteswoode.dnsalias.org
Tue Jul 28 17:16:41 EDT 2009

I wrote:

>  Environment variables:
>  $LDDD_LIB_IGNORE:  globs of missing lib-names to ignore[2].
>  $LDDD_DONT_CHECK:  globs of file names to completely ignore[2].

As a usage example, I don't have but the most basic qt stuff, and no
rrd-data-graphing, no ruby etc., ie. typical household optional
dependencies.  This is in my bash environment:

  export LDDD_LIB_IGNORE=''
  export LDDD_DONT_CHECK=''
  LDDD_LIB_IGNORE="${LDDD_LIB_IGNORE} *libpanel-applet*"
  LDDD_DONT_CHECK="${LDDD_DONT_CHECK} *lib/nautilus/extensions*"
  LDDD_DONT_CHECK="${LDDD_DONT_CHECK} *lib/firefox-3.5/components*"
  LDDD_DONT_CHECK="${LDDD_DONT_CHECK} *lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers*"
  LDDD_DONT_CHECK="${LDDD_DONT_CHECK} *lib/xine/plugins*"

You might also want to put settings like this into per-subsystem files
sourced in a little three line script for cron.

Every once in a while and after "risky" updates I run:

  time lddd-c.sh -v

which should produce no list of broken packages.  It takes about
a minute on my system[1], a little less than the original lddd, but
without the irritating false positives.

[1] double that for empty filesystem caches.


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