[arch-general] The vsftpd only starts at the second attempt

Lucas Salies Brum lucas at archlinux.com.br
Fri Jul 31 02:53:35 EDT 2009

(root at abraham ~):# ps -A | grep vsftpd
(root at abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd start
:: Starting vsftpd FTP Daemon
(root at abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd stop
:: Stopping vsftpd FTP Daemon
(root at abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd start
:: Starting vsftpd FTP Daemon
(root at abraham ~):# ps -A | grep vsftpd
 6453 pts/3    00:00:00 vsftpd

This has happened to someone?

/etc/vsftpd.conf - http://paste.archlinux-br.org/1241
/etc/rc.conf - http://paste.archlinux-br.org/1242

Arch Linux i686.

Lucas Saliés Brum
lsbrum @ irc.freenode.org

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