[arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

Juan Diego juantascon at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 01:34:37 EST 2009

you are right, for me it happens when I try to close/open yakuake

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Leonid Grinberg <lgrinberg at gmail.com> wrote:
> It does often happen when I'm typing something, or using
> <Alt>-[number] to switch tabs in Firefox, but this might just be
> coincidence -- especially since this is, as I said, a laptop, I tend
> to use the keyboard as much as I can.
> As far as global shortcuts go, I only installed yakuake recently and
> this happened before I installed it. It *might* be associated with
> switching virtual desktops, though.
> 2009/3/4 Bram Schoenmakers <lists at bramschoenmakers.nl>:
>> On Wednesday 04 March 2009 01:35:57 Leonid Grinberg wrote:
>> Hello Leonid,
>>> Every once in a while -- not too frequently to be unusable, but
>>> certainly enough to be annoying -- the keyboard in KDE will simply
>>> lock up. Mouse will still work fine, and keyboard inputs that don't go
>>> through KDE -- switching to virtual terminals, resetting X via
>>> <ctrl>-<alt>-backspace still work (and, indeed, resetting X and
>>> logging back in is the only thing that fixes it). I can't see any real
>>> pattern as to when this happens -- programs that I basically always
>>> have running, though, are Pidgin, Firefox and keytouchd, as well as,
>>> obviously, plasma, etc. I am running the vanilla KDE 4.2 packages.
>>> Thanks in advance. This is really starting to become annoying.
>> Maybe it is the same bug which is open for quite some time in KDE Bugzilla
>> [1]. I had this problem too before, on Gentoo Linux with KDE 3.5.x. This has
>> something to do with the global shortcuts and I didn't notice that anyone had
>> a real clue what triggered it. I wouldn't be surprised if it is still in KDE
>> 4.x.
>> Perhaps the Gentoo bug [2] may contains some pointers too.
>> So, do you know if the problem is triggered by using global shortcuts (window
>> manager related, or invoking Yakuake with F12)?
>> [1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109322
>> [2] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=129793
>> Kind regards,
>> --
>> Bram Schoenmakers
>> What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
>> (Punch, 1855)

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