[arch-general] KDE, Bluetooth and Wifi

Dominic Kexel nexenta at evil-monkey-in-my-closet.com
Wed May 27 17:01:15 EDT 2009

On Wed, 27 May 2009 10:47:02 +0200
Manne Merak <mannemerak at gmail.com> wrote:

> So, I am new here, just installed ArchLinux on my work laptop.  Had some 
> issues with getting X and KDE4 up, but all fine now.
> KDE4 is different, I can see why some people dislike it - still needs 
> that polished feeling that 3.5 had, but hey that will come with time.
> My biggest concern at the moment is Bluetooth mouse and Wifi.  
> KBluetooth looses my mouse, randomly, and there is no KNetworkManager 
> (well a finished one) at the moment.
> So my question, what does the ArchLinux KDE community use for Bluetooth 
> and Wifi management.
> (I can fiddle round with bluez and wpa_supplicant config files, but 
> would rather use some higher level config util)
> Manne
> ps. I come from the OpenSUSE world, so excuse my desire for management 
> tools.

I recommend wicd for Wifi management. You should give it a try (http://wicd.sourceforge.net/)

Dominic Kexel <nexenta at evil-monkey-in-my-closet.com>

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