[arch-general] /dev/tty* borked ...

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Fri Oct 9 11:28:47 EDT 2009

Aaron Griffin schrieb:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> Xavier schrieb:
>>> Unfortunately we can no longer check the cvs repo afaik.
>>> We cannot see earlier than April 2008 :
>>> http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/udev/trunk/PKGBUILD?view=log
>>> I am also curious to know how did that file stay. Why wasn't it
>>> tracked and removed by pacman ?
>> The old cvs-arch and cvs-core are still around somewhere, but not public.
> They used to be listed in viewvc. Did we kill that off with the server move?

Yes, I found it confusing to have so many repositories with different 
names, there was nothing to uniquely point out that all the CVS stuff 
was historical. We don't even have CVS installed anymore.

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