[arch-general] PKGBUILD

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sat Oct 10 19:07:39 EDT 2009

Stefan Husmann wrote:
> Baho Utot schrieb:
>> Thorsten Toepper wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA224
>>> On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 16:08:02 -0400
>>> Baho Utot <baho-utot at columbus.rr.com> wrote:
>>>> I am constructing a PKGBUILD for a package and I know some of the 
>>>> variables have been depreciated
>>>> Has $startdir been removed if so what is it new equiv.
>>>> Thanks
>>> Using $pkgdir and $srcdir is more welcome than using 
>>> $startdir/{src,pkg}
>> Not if you're writing a log file and makepkg -c is used.
> If all these variables are defined, they all can be used. The question 
> is, for what purpose. Having a logfile in $startdir sounds reasonable 
> to me.
> Files which are needed to compile a package should go to $srcdir, 
> files that should be in the resulting package should got to $pkgdir.

In general, you should never use $startdir.  There is no guarantee that  
$stardir/src = $srcdir or similarly with $pkgdir.  In fact that 
definitely does not hold with split packages.  If you want to log the 
build, use "makepkg -L".

I can not think of a valid reason to use $startdir.


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