[arch-general] Splitting up the 'boinc' package

Karol Babioch karol at babioch.de
Mon Oct 26 14:44:36 EDT 2009


I finally managed it to get a working version of the latest release
(6.6.41), which should compile just fine (at least it does for me).

I'll attach the package. Could you please take a look at the package and
look for mistakes or things that could be done better. Maybe the
maintainer (Jaroslav Lichtblau) could take this as a base for the
package in the community repository, so people can use the latest boinc
package just as usual.

However I still want to split this package up. I will try to do this in
the next days, I guess it should be not that hard using some of the
available parameters for the configure script. I plan to split it up in
the following parts: boinc-client, boinc-manager, boinc-server.

Maybe I will outsource the libraries in another package. I don't see any
need for a boinc-dbg package so far, maybe it can be added later.

So, what do you think of this idea(s) so far?

Best regards,
Karol Babioch <karol at babioch.de>
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