[arch-general] svn:keywords is not set on newer packages

Evangelos Foutras foutrelis at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 22:39:14 EDT 2009


The $Id$ keyword came up while talking with Angel and I realized that 
the svn:keywords property doesn't get set on PKGBUILD for new packages, 
and thus $Id$ doesn't get updated on commit. I believe we should fix 
this, as this information is useful when determining when a PKGBUILD was 
last modified and by whom.

May I suggest we do the following:

1) Edit the "Adding a package" section [1] of the packaging instructions 
in the DeveloperWiki to include this step. (Adding `svn propset 
svn:keywords "Id" new-package/trunk/PKGBUILD' below the $EDITOR line 
2) Add this property to all packages (this has been done once before by 
Aaron, if I remember correctly).

What's your view on this?


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