[arch-general] Encrypted ram disk?

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Wed Oct 28 13:50:58 EDT 2009

Tamir Daniely schrieb:
>> >From a technical prospective, reading ram post system shutdown or crash is
> definitely possible, the data is preserved for several minutes depending on
> the ram technology, and the time the data can be accessed can be increased
> significantly by cooling or freezing the ram itself.

Yes, this is a problem. It is possible to wipe the encryption key from 
memory when hibernation has finished or generally before poweroff, but I 
have no idea if this is done in Linux.

What poses a bigger problem is suspending: Your RAM stays powered all 
the time and contains your encryption key. cryptsetup has (in its latest 
release candidate) gained a feature where you can "suspend" a volume by 
killing the encryption key and later "resume" it by reentering the 
passphrase. I think it should even be possible to combine this with full 
system encryption, using a chroot with static cryptsetup and a minimal 
static shell, which would reside either in a tmpfs or on an unencrypted 

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