[arch-general] package manager overlay script

Rogutės Sparnuotos rogutes at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 15 09:15:39 EDT 2010

Andre Osku Schmidt (2010-04-15 14:17):
> Hello,
> im getting tired to be forced to remember many different options for
> various package managers on different distros. so i did a little script
> that allows me to do like "asd install foo" on any distro i got that
> script installed, and it will install the package using the systems
> package manager.
> so, before i hack this script to a better state, i was wondering does
> this kind of script/project already exist ?


Aren't shell aliases enough for this job?

if [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then
  alias list="pacman -Ql"
  alias owns="pacman -Qo"
  alias sea="pacman -Ss" 
  alias inst="sudo pacman -S"
  alias rem="sudo pacman -Rsn"
elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
  alias list="dpkg-query -L"
  alias owns="dpkg-query -S"
  alias sea="aptitude search"
  alias rem="aptitude purge"
elif [ -f /etc/exherbo-release ]; then
  alias list="paludis -k"
  alias owns="paludis --full-match -o"
  function rem() {
    paludis -u --with-unused-dependencies -p $@ && \
    read -q '?Continue [y/N]: ' && \
    paludis -u --with-unused-dependencies $@

--  Rogutės Sparnuotos

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