[arch-general] Gallium by default for radeon?

Sven-Hendrik Haase sh at lutzhaase.com
Sun Aug 8 16:43:55 EDT 2010

 Hey everybody,

I wondered whether we should switch the default radeon driver stack over
to gallium3d. I've been running gallium3d for a few months now and with
every stack rebuild from git it only gets faster and neater. I haven't
encountered any stability issues yet (or at least not any the standard
drivers did not have).

I think the speed and OpenGL compatibility are well worth it for our
users. Since I'm toying around quite a lot with games and Ogre3D I know
that shader support and overall speed now make the radeon + gallium3d
drivers a viable replacement for the rather unlikeable catalyst drivers,
even for gaming.

For those who want to try it, build your gallium stack using my AUR
package (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=38090).

Upstream says that almost all current development efforts flow into
gallium3d and radeon KMS. Perhaps we should take the hint?

What do you think?

-- Sven-Hendrik

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