[arch-general] Open Letter (Plea for Medical Help/Assistance) to World Leaders

reflexing reflexing at reflexing.ru
Sat Aug 28 05:54:24 EDT 2010

2010/8/28 Philipp Ãœberbacher <hollunder at lavabit.com>

> Excerpts from Robert Howard's message of 2010-08-28 08:53:13 +0200:
> > HFS! That's the longest spam I've ever seen.
> It's the weirdest spam I've ever seen.
> --
> Philipp
> --
> "Wir stehen selbst enttäuscht und sehn betroffen / Den Vorhang zu
> und alle Fragen offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan
Please stop bumping this shit :)

Kirill E. Churin
Jabber: reflexing at reflexing.ru, ICQ: 8163230, Skype on demand.

In a world *without walls* or fences, *who needs windows and gates?*

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