[arch-general] [core/filesystem 2010.10-1 -> 2010.12-1] breaks makepkg and firefox

Martín Cigorraga martosurf7600 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 21:33:48 EST 2010

> Works for me.
> What are your /tmp permissions after installing the filesystem package?
> That's where the <<< used in lines 268 and 272 will be creating a
> temporary file with random name.
> It's odd that it would be returning an errno=0 instead of EPERM, though.
Hi Linas,
First of all, sorry for the (very) late reply and thanks for your interest,
there were
some not so good changes in my life lately and I couldn't answer early :)

Following your suggestion I did some research on this issue and this is what

/tmp folder permissions are the same after installing the new package,
(and this is the real thing) I found every normal user in the system are
root privileges, that's why makepkg fails, because it tries to compile the
as root; if I launch makepkg with --asroot argument it while run ok.

I found too that adding a new user after upgrading core/filesystem it's
as expected without any issues.

Anyways, if no problem arise I think I will wait until next package update
and try
to upgrade it but in the event it's totally necessary to upgrade this
package seems
I will need to do that 'trick' of creating a new user after upgrading and
migrating my
actual user to the new one.

Thank you very much again!

Last, wish you all people the best for the upcoming year: Happy New Year! =D

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