[arch-general] Getting firefox to use the PDF I want?
Nilesh Govindarajan
lists at itech7.com
Wed Jul 21 09:34:11 EDT 2010
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:24, Wieland Hoffmann <themineo at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On 21.07.2010 12:06, Magnus Therning wrote:
>>> Firefox used evince before I installed gimp, so it must be picking up
>>> available applications from somewhere, right?
>>> It also seems to pick up much more than just the name of the executable, since
>>> it displays the choice "GNU Image Manipulation Program (d..." in the dialogue.
>> If you're talking about the dialogue I'm thinking of ("What should
>> Firefox do with this file?"), you can choose "Other..." and browse for
>> an executable of your choice.
> Sure I can, but I'm curious of how firefox picked up evince to begin
> with, and then picked gimp instead, and why is evince not available as
> an option any more?
> Is that really only configurable by browsing around for executable
> files if I'm unhappy with the default choice?
> /M
> --
> Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
> magnus@therning.org Jabber: magnus@therning.org
> http://therning.org/magnus identi.ca|twitter: magthe
If you were on this list from a long time, then you probably know that
even I'd started a thread about a similar issue. It was about file
associations with firefox & thunderbird. Ultimate solution is to use
their inbuilt settings- that was what suggested to me.
Nilesh Govindarajan
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