[arch-general] [signoff] udev 157-1, initscripts 2010.06-1, mkinitcpio 0.6.5-1

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Thu Jun 3 17:59:01 EDT 2010

Am 03.06.2010 20:25, schrieb Attila:
> At Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010 14:57 Thomas Bächler wrote:
>> udev is an upstream update with mostly bugfixes, but some changes in
>> behaviour. Most importantly, NAME= rules are being ignored now, you can
>> not change the kernel's predefined device name anymore.
> Is there a hope to get "NAME= rules" back in the future or is there a nice 
> upgrade path for at example network rules? I can't believe this because i do 
> this for my usb sticks too.

Actually, network rules are an exception, they still work. The removal
of NAME= only applies to /dev nodes.

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