[arch-general] Catalyst-test

Nathan Wayde kumyco at konnichi.com
Sat Jun 26 14:48:22 EDT 2010

On 26/06/10 18:00, Martín Cigorraga wrote:
> Hi folks, first time at the list.
> I'm still using catalyst-test and haven't upgraded to new
> catalyst/kernel/evedev bacause some issues I never had before with Arch.
> Catalyst: I installed latest catalyst with xorg-server with the maximize-fix
> following instructions on the wiki posted by Nathan and while everything
> installed okay KDE SC is unusable because graphic glitchs all around
> (Yakuake is break as well as konsoles and most applications) and even
> Kickoff menu being unusable - it shows up only after trying to open it
> two/three times but can't navigate menus.
> new Xorg-sever / hal: I'm running a spanish speaking Arch and with these new
> versions of xorg-server and xf86-input-evdev I can't get KDM (KDE SC log-in
> manager) to handle correctly my spanish keyboard -
> /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi still set correctly to "es" but I read
> somewhere this file is deprecated in the new Xorg 1.8
> Any feedback will be very appreciated!
did you follow the wiki for new xorg: 
http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#xorg.conf.d_.28Xorg_1.8.29 . I 
haven't done any of that yet myself but it works as usual. You may need 
to generate a new xorg.conf with `aticonfig --initial`

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