[arch-general] Article about aircrack in the wiki

Karol Babioch karol at babioch.de
Wed May 19 16:46:23 EDT 2010


I don't know whether my memory is right on that, but as far as I can remember 
there was an article in the wiki describing how to setup and use the aircrack-
ng suite.

I can't find this one anymore :(. Therefore I suppose it has been deleted. Am I 
right on this? If so, was there any specific reason? Any legal issues? I can't 
imagine that nobody has written an article about these tools. Is it safe to do 
so, or are there any concerns that should discourage me?

I'm not a lawyer, but as there is a quite good documentation on the project 
site (http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=getting_started) it can't be that 
critical, can it? Normally you always have the possibility to say that you 
want to use it for educational purposes at home, at least from what I'm aware 

So is there any specific reason why there isn't such an article yet (but my 
memory tells me that there was one :)), or hasn't anyone thought of this until 
Best regards,
Karol Babioch
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