[arch-general] USB Buffering Issue

Paul Gideon Dann pdgiddie at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 08:51:25 EST 2011

On Friday 02 Dec 2011 12:09:59 Timothy Redaelli wrote:
> You can try to edit the udev mount options:
> # echo 'ACTION=="add", ENV{mount_options}="sync"' >
> /etc/udev.d/rules.d/99-mount-options.rules
> Then you must reload udev rules:
> # udevadm control --reload-rules

This seems like the right thing to do, but I'd appreciate a little explanation 
of the theory behind this fix.  I haven't played around much with udev rules so 
far.  However, this looks like it might mount *all* disks with the sync 
option.  Could you explain how it's supposed to work?

I would have thought that, as was mentioned earlier, udev wouldn't be 
responsible for mount options.  Wouldn't that be handled by udisks somehow?

I've tried a "mount -o remount,sync ...", and that fixes the issue, so it's 
just a question of figuring out why USB drives aren't getting the sync option 
automatically.  It used to work OK until about 3/4 months ago.  Maybe a new 
udev broke this behaviour on my machine?


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