[arch-general] 2 recommendations needed for installing ArchLinux

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Dec 6 20:48:51 EST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: arch-general-bounces at archlinux.org on behalf of Ralf Mardorf
Sent: Wed 12/7/2011 02:30
-----Original Message-----
From: arch-general-bounces at archlinux.org on behalf of Cédric Girard
Sent: Wed 12/7/2011 00:39

Anyway, I think we are getting OT but it is always interesting to analyze
our workflow and see what can be improved after a mistake.


The bad of the story is, that I stopped the old habit to burn copies of my backups to unsafe light media. Ok, DVD-RAM is safe, but a PITA and even for unsafe DVD R or RW we'll become DJs to burn split archives, since wasting of resources became a law.

"Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster." - Wirth's law

Since I started with 6502, 6510 Assembler I have another taste regarding to usage of RAM, hard realtime etc. ... I'm a dino, not willing to suite to the tool I'm using, my habit is that the tool needs to fit to my needs.

I won't change my workflow, I'll get a removable HDD, e.g. an USB HDD to backup my backups.






I'll test rsync, but a removable HDD also will protect (better) against lightning strikes, since a type 3 SPD won't protect if your house doesn't feature a type 1 and 2 SPD.

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