[arch-general] netcfg pppoe 'error sending pppoe packet: Network is down'

Karol Babioch karol at babioch.de
Thu Dec 8 04:53:31 EST 2011


Am 08.12.2011 09:19, schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> if I run (as root, there anyway still is no user) 'netcfg pppoe' I get 'error sending/receiving pppoe packet: Network is down'

Just to make sure that netcfg is really what you want. Do you plan to
install a (rich) desktop environment later on? At least I would
recommended using networkmanager instead of netcfg when using Gnome
and/or KDE, because there are applets for it, which makes the network
configuration quite easy. You can probably use these applets for other
windows managers as well.

Personally I'm even using networkmanager on boxes which don't have a
running X server, because of its dispatching possibilities (such as
starting SSH when there is a link established).

However for a completely static environment netcfg is probably just fine.

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

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