[arch-general] Install Arch in stages?

clemens fischer ino-news at spotteswoode.dnsalias.org
Fri Dec 9 14:22:09 EST 2011

Grant McDuling wrote:

> Hi, I am new to Arch, being a Mint user until now. I have the iso on
> CD now and ready to install. Can I do this is stages or is it best to
> do the complete basic install in one sitting?

Regarding disk partitioning:  Arch wants to have /usr on the same
partition as "/" (the root), as long as some programs needed around boot
time reside on /usr.

With my setup (which has no desktop environment), my disks would need

  / + /usr   ext4   9G
  /opt       ext4   9G
  /boot      ext2   1G
  /var       ext4   9G
  /rest      ext4  77G
  /home      ext4   9G

with plenty of room left.  The numbers don't add up to eg. 250GB because
I keep several linux installations, one of which is a "hot spare" synced
daily _before_ doing "pacman -Su" to upgrade the main system.

What disk space do other people on this list need?


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