[arch-general] partition sizes and filesystems (Re: Install Arch in stages?)

Leonid Isaev lisaev at umail.iu.edu
Fri Dec 9 18:32:51 EST 2011

On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 00:13:53 +0100
Heiko Baums <lists at baums-on-web.de> wrote:

> Am Fri, 9 Dec 2011 17:03:03 -0600
> schrieb Leonid Isaev <lisaev at umail.iu.edu>:
> > Reiser 3.6 is considered feature-complete I think, so only bugfixes
> > are released. It was the default on SuSE until SLES 10 and is still
> > maintained.
> ReiserFS 3.6 is fast on a new system, but gets extremely slow after a
> few years. That was at least my experience and the reason for switching
> to ext3 which is after a few years now still as fast as at the
> beginning.

It slows down as the partition fills up, no? That's why I used it on /var only
since the used disk space doesn't really fluctuate.
> > Cool :) I used LUKS but then figured it's not worth it. Because only
> > several important file really need encryption, I ended up with plain
> > gpg.
> With GnuPG you have to explicitly decrypt the single files every time
> you want to access the file. With LUKS this happens transparently, and
> you can encrypt the whole system so that nobody can see what's on your
> harddisk except for the kernel, the initrd and the bootloader of
> course. So there are use cases for both LUKS and GnuPG depending on
> your needs or wishes.

I know. My sensitive data is localized, and I don't care to encrypt
/usr/bin/firefox. If transparency is needed, I would go with ubuntu's
ecryptfs. It's simpler, but of course requires FS to be supported by linux.
Not to say that full disk encryption isn't usefull...
> Heiko

Leonid Isaev
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