[arch-general] [solved] netcfg pppoe 'error sending pppoe packet: Network is down'

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sat Dec 10 06:31:36 EST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: arch-general-bounces at archlinux.org on behalf of Thomas Bächler
Sent: Thu 12/8/2011 17:18

You could first try this:
 ip link set eth0 up
 netcfg pppoe

This should work. As Javier pointed out below, you can put the 'ip'
command into a PRE_UP statement in your netcfg profile.


Thank you :)

today I've got some time for my Arch Linux. Thomas, your hint does the job. Parallel to your reply I found
 ifconfig eth0 up
 netcfg pppoe
which does job too.



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