[arch-general] chrooting / LiveCD

Ángel Velásquez angvp at archlinux.org
Sat Feb 19 08:39:11 EST 2011

2011/2/19 Jorge Almeida <jjalmeida at gmail.com>:
> I've been reading several pieces of documentation about making a
> custom LiveCD, in particular the documentation for Archiso. Makefiles
> and bash are not my strong suit, so I may have misunderstood
> something. Among other things, we need to create a directory, say
> "prov", and populate it with an arch system. I tried this:
> mkdir -p prov/var/lib/pacman
> pacman -r prov -Sy
> pacman -r prov  -S base
> This seems to work, although it had a complain about the directory
> "sys". My question is: to populate a directory with a base system plus
> some assorted stuff, can we do it with pacman -r? Or is it necessary
> to chroot into prov? (And if so, don't we need to use pacman -r to
> have a functional chroot dir to begin with?)
> I would understand the need for chroot if we were to compile software
> (I read LFS stuff...), to ensure correct library linking. But we're
> talking about binary packages...
> I'm just trying to get the big (and small) picture...
> Jorge Almeida

Well if I were you, I will use a clean chroot first, then l use that
dir, plus I can add or test packages in the chroot itself

Angel Velásquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

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