[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] GSoC 2011

Andres Perera andres.p at zoho.com
Sat Feb 26 01:15:26 EST 2011


gsoc students aren't going to get sponsored for making packages

you'd have to be in a distro that does their own projects like fedora

it'd be like slackware asking for gsoc

2011/2/25 Ángel Velásquez <angvp at archlinux.org>:
> Hi,
> I'm just wondering why we didn't participate in GSoC, many open source
> projects got improved for this kind of programs.
> Just wondering areas in which we can receive and mentor students with
> the permission of the projects owner I will do a list of possible
> areas of work:
> * Pacman (Adding signed packages)
> * AIF and archiso integration
> * Namcap
> * Netcfg
> * <insert project here>
> Please don't kill me if the idea is wrong, It just came to my mind that idea.
> Cheers
> --
> Angel Velásquez
> angvp @ irc.freenode.net
> Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> Linux Counter: #359909
> http://www.angvp.com

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