[arch-general] When will Arch switch to Systemd

Heiko Baums lists at baums-on-web.de
Wed Jan 26 18:56:34 EST 2011

Am Thu, 27 Jan 2011 00:40:05 +0100
schrieb fons at kokkinizita.net:

> So this could probably be solved if PA would accept some manual
> configuration in such cases. Maybe it does, but so far apparently
> no-one knows how to do it. I guess it's just not possible as manual
> configuration sort of goes against the grain of Lennart's work. 

There shouldn't be some manual configuration at least not for the user
or the admin. There needs to be such a PA mixer like envy24control.

> One practical solution could be to run PA as a Jack client. Most
> people using this type of card would be running Jack anyway.

A lot better: Not using PA at all, because ALSA can manage this
perfectly. And I guess Jack can do it with ALSA, too, without PA.


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