[arch-general] Default Bootloader for AIF

Matthew Gyurgyik pyther at pyther.net
Sun Mar 13 15:00:43 EDT 2011

On 03/13/2011 02:44 PM, David Campbell wrote:
> Excerpts from Matthew Gyurgyik's message of 2011-03-13 14:01:16 -0400:
>> Now that there is Syslinux support in AIF, should AIF select Syslinux as
>> the "Default" bootloader?
> Does Syslinux play nicely with parted and GPT disklabels? Should
> Arch be trying to move toward a default bootloader that seamlessly
> supports GPT disklabels?
Yes, Syslinux supports GPT as does the syslinux-install_update script 
that is included in the arch package.

With the issues stated in Pierre's mail about grub1 I think it makes 
sense to make Syslinux the "default". However, I want to know what the 
devs think as the "default" bootloader will likely have more new users 
using it.

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