[arch-general] bluez and udev

Ng Oon-Ee ngoonee at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 23:49:17 EDT 2011

Any particular reason you cross-posted this between aur-general and

On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 03:59 +0100, Seblu wrote: 
> Hello,
> It was a few things I could not explain with bluez and udev.
> When my system start killswitch off and i toggle killswitch after,
> bluetoothd is auto started.
> When my system starts with killswitch on, bluetoothd is not started.
> (a bit confusing)
> After adding hooks in rc, bluetoothd refuse to start at boot because
> it needs dbus!
> If I searched on google before trying to debug I saved a few hours:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=112161

And yes, that's the case for most problems... 
> So, this situation is a bit confusing, so why do not remove
> /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth.rules?
> From my test bluetoothd, doesn't kill itself when it's run by
> /etc/rc.d/bluetooth.
> Regards,

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