[arch-general] inefficient handling of bug reports?

Simon Perry arch at sanxion.net
Mon Mar 28 11:38:04 EDT 2011

 On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 17:21:46 +0200, Jelle van der Waa wrote:

> Btw in short, there is an RSS feed for new bugs. here is the feed for
> [community] 
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/feed.php?feed_type=rss1&project=5
> So there is no need for a special mailing list.

 That's great, but everyone has to keep an eye on everything, all of the 

 I still don't know where the new bug button is.

 I still have no way of helping the hapless wrangler who has to monitor 
 every single bug.

 Simon Perry (aka Pezz)
 [ s a n x i o n . n e t ]

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