[arch-general] Drop non-free ?! (Was: Commit in ffmpeg/trunk)

Ray Rashif schiv at archlinux.org
Sun May 8 08:12:37 EDT 2011

On 8 May 2011 02:43, Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org> wrote:
> now i understand the question. It won't be removed. I did it for ffmpeg
> because it has a big warning after ./configure
> License: nonfree and unredistributable

How are we keeping FAAC/FAAD2 in [extra] then? If we redistribute
FAAC/FAAD2 (which are redistributed in source form via sourceforge),
then we shouldn't have problems building other stuff with them.

There are questionable patent infringements and possibilities, but all
upstream (in this case) does is remain on the safe side by not
providing any binaries themselves, since they would be liable first.
FFMPEG follows suit by displaying warnings, which is useful to
distributors who have strict packaging policies (like Ubuntu with
their multiverse repository).


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