[arch-general] libgdbm.so.4 breakage?

Simon Perry arch at sanxion.net
Wed Nov 30 05:09:28 EST 2011

Hi all,

I was about to lodge a bug regarding this, but now I'm not sure if it's
something my system is doing or...

Anyway, tonight I needed to RDP to a work box, and both Remmina and
Vinagre both failed to run:

% remmina
remmina: error while loading shared libraries: libgdbm.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

% vinagre
vinagre: error while loading shared libraries: libgdbm.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

So I wrote some scripts, and discovered the following packages are
expecting this library (see http://pastebin.com/DyWw74iK for the complete
output of my script):

apr-util 1.3.12-3
avahi 0.6.30-6
python2 2.7.2-4
python 3.2.2-2
ruby 1.9.3_p0-2
subversion 1.6.17-7
vinagre 3.2.2-1
zsh 4.3.12-3

After seeing this, I tried svn:

% svn --help
svn: error while loading shared libraries: libgdbm.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Zsh works still, luckily... :)

I have an entry in pacman.log that says I upgraded gdbm on:

[2011-01-13 19:57] upgraded gdbm (1.8.3-7 -> 1.8.3-8)
[2011-11-07 01:00] upgraded gdbm (1.8.3-8 -> 1.8.3-9)

The reason I haven't lodged an FS is because I downgraded to gdbm
1.8.3-8 (from Janurary!) and it doesn't have libgdbm.so.4 either, so
I'm not sure if there's something weird on my system or what. I'm
confused and astonished that I haven't noticed it until tonight.

"pacman -Ql gdbm" clearly states no reference to libgdbm.so.4, just
libgdbm.so.3 ...

Halp... Multipass...

Simon Perry (aka Pezz)

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