[arch-general] Pacman makepkg and signatures

Steve Holmes steve.holmes88 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 08:47:52 EDT 2011

A slight variation here; I just upgraded to pacman 4 and did the
'pacman-key --init' as directed but now I get validation errors for
all keys while doing a pacman -Syuw'.

It looks like this.
error: vim-runtime: signature from "Eric Belanger
<eric at archlinux.org>" is unknown trust
I got this for every package I'm trying to download.  During my first
attempt to do this upgrade, I got prompted to import keys from the
repo.  I answered 'y' to all of them.  When I tried to do a
'pacman-key --refresh-keys', it showed that I have 12 keys and all are
current and supposedly valid.

So why the errors and how can I get through this?

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