[arch-general] Mutt client-Message from Gateway
Arno Gaboury
arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 08:02:54 EDT 2012
On 02/08/12||13:53, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> The 02/08/12, Arno Gaboury wrote:
> > I can confirm it only happens with this list. Other lists or private
> > mail don't return me such mail.
> Show us your configuration files, then.
> --
> Nicolas Sebrecht
Please find attached all my config files.
I am far from being a computer expert, and I tried to write them by my
own,avoiding a simple copy/paste from some examples found on internet.
My overall Mutt works, but my config files are maybe corrupted!
Thank you Nicolas for your help.
-------------- next part --------------
# gmail IMAP specific options#
set imap_user=arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
set imap_pass=prootx666
set folder="imaps://imap.gmail.com" #remote folder
set spoolfile= "+INBOX"
set postponed= "+Gmail/Drafts"
set record= "+Gmail/Sent"
#set mbox= "+[GMAIL]/Inbox
set imap_check_subscribed #check all imap folders
set smtp_url= "smtp://arnaud.gaboury:prootx666@smtp.gmail.com
set ssl_force_tls = yes
-------------- next part --------------
#configuration file for msmtp#
#created by Arno Gaboury #
#Last modified July 2012 #
#default values for all accounts
tls on
tls_starttls on
auth on
logfile ~/log/msmtp.log
tls_trust_file /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt
account gmail
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
from arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
user arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
password prootx666
tls_trust_file /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Equifax_Secure_CA.crt
#set default account
account default : gmail
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mailboxes +INBOX +Sent +Drafts +Spam +Trash
-------------- next part --------------
#configuration file for MUA Mutt#
#created by Arno Gaboury #
#last modfified July 2012 #
#Local directory#
set alias_file= /home/gabx/.config/mutt/alias #contains all allias
set certificate_file= ~/.mutt/certificates # where to store certs
set header_cache= ~/.config/mutt/cache/headers #store headers
set message_cachedir= /home/gabx/.config/mutt/cache #store bodies
set mailcap_path = ~/.config/mutt/mailcap # entrys for filetypes
set signature= ~/.mutt/sig # my signature file
#User info#
set realname="Arno Gaboury"
set hostname= "Magnolia"
my_hdr Host: Magnolia on Arch Linux #my header
my_hdr Reply-to: arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
my_hdr From: arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
#Server configuration#
#We do not need this part when using offlineimap to fetch mails
#unset imap_passive #allow to open connection automatically
#set imap_keepalive = 300 #polling connection every 300 sec
#set mail_check = 30 #check mail every 30 sec
#set timeout = 15 #will check mail after 15 sec if no key pressed
#local mailbox configuration#
set mbox_type=Maildir #format where each message is a separate file
set folder= "~/Mail/gmail"
set spoolfile= "+INBOX" # Gmail is default inbox
set delete # don't ask, just do
set pager_stop # don't go to next message automatically
set postponed = "+Drafts"
folder-hook . "exec collapse-all" #collapse all threads as default
#Files to source#
source /home/gabx/.config/mutt/colors/mytheme #source color file
#source /home/gabx/.config/mutt/gmail.muttrc #source gmail configuration
source /home/gabx/.config/mutt/muttmailboxes #list mboxes
#Mailing lists#
lists arch-dev-public at archlinux.org
lists arch-general at archlinux.org
lists arch-aur at archlinux.org
lists virt-tools-list at redhat.com
lists texhax at tug.org
subscribe arch-dev-public at archlinux.org
subscribe arch-general at archlinux.org
subscribe arch-aur at archlinux.org
subscribe texhax at tug.org
unsubscribe virt-tools-list at redhat.com
#Binding Keys#
bind pager q exit
bind pager / search
bind pager <up> previous-line
bind pager <down> next-line
bind pager k previous-line
bind pager j next-line
bind pager gg top
bind pager G bottom
bind pager i exit
bind index K previous-unread
bind index J next-unread
bind index W clear-flag
bind index w set-flag
bind index gg first-entry
#Compose Mail#
set from="$realname"
set edit_headers #show headers when composing
set fast_reply #go to compose directly when replying
set sig_dashes #dsahes before the sig
set forward_quote #include message forwards
set fcc_attach #save attachement with body
unset mime_forward #forward attachement as part of body
set forward_decode
set reply_to #reply to Reply to field, not From field
set editor= 'vim + -c "set textwidth=72" -c "set wrap" -c "set nocp" -c "?^$"'
set ispell= "/usr/bin/aspell -e -c" #use aspell to check spell
#auto_view text/html
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
set move = no #Stop asking to "move read messages to mbox"!
set sendmail = /usr/bin/msmtp #use mstp default account
# macros
macro index ,gobox "<change-folder> =INBOX<return>" "go to Inbox"
macro index ,gosent "<change-folder>=+Gmail/Sent <return>" "Go to 'Sent Mail'"
macro index ,isync "<shell-escape>offlineimap -q -o<return>" "sync IMAP"
-------------- next part --------------
#Configuration file for Offlineimap#
#Created by Arno Gaboury #
#Last Modified July 2012 #
#General Settings#
accounts = Gmail
maxsyncaccounts = 1
socktimeout = 60
ui = ttyui
#disable to use fsync(). It reduces performance and write too much on ssd
fsync = false
#Mailbox name recorder#
#Do not specify formats.Use Mutt ones
enabled = no
filename = /home/gabx/.config/mutt/muttmailboxes
header = "mailboxes"
peritem = "+%(accountnames)s/%(foldernames)s"
sep = " "
footer = "\n"
#Do not synchronize trash
folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername not in '[Gmail]/Trash'
# "[Gmail]/Some Folder" --> some_folder. This will give the local names of Gmail remote mailboxes
nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^inbox$', 'INBOX',
re.sub(' +', '_',
re.sub(r'.*/(.*)$', r'\1', folder).lower()))
#Account Gmail#
[Account Gmail]
localrepository = Gmail_local
remoterepository = Gmail_remote
#quick = 10
status_backend = sqlite
[Repository Gmail_local]
localfolders = /home/gabx/Mail/gmail
#Don't let offlineimap modify atime
restoreatime = no
[Repository Gmail_remote]
type = Gmail
realdelete = no
#imap.gmail.com certificate to ensure to connect to Gmail
cert_fingerprint = f3043dd689a2e7dddfbef82703a6c65ea9b634c1
remoteuser = arnaud.gaboury at gmail.com
remotepass = prootx666
maxconnections = 2
#keepalive= 60
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