[arch-general] Re: Mutt client-Message from Gateway

Nicolas Sebrecht nsebrecht at piing.fr
Thu Aug 2 09:29:34 EDT 2012

The 02/08/12, Arno Gaboury wrote:

> Please find attached all my config files. 
> I am far from being a computer expert, and I tried to write them by my
> own,avoiding a simple copy/paste from some examples found on internet.
> My overall Mutt works, but my config files are maybe corrupted!

First of all, as Dan said, change your account password if not already done.

Please, check that when responding to this list, you don't have a
strange destination in the headers (to, cc, bcc).

You use a pretty complex system for your mails. Don't worry, I have
almost the same, here (mutt + offlineimap + vim).

I couldn't find any strong breackage in the configuration files but I'm
lost with your configuration:
- is it intended that you configure mutt to both connect as IMAP and a
  local Maildir synced with offlineimap?
- why use msmtp if you configure mutt SMTP?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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