[arch-general] polkit package upgrade patch

Ray Kohler ataraxia937 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 20:01:57 EDT 2012

As it's been marked out-of-date for a while, and I'm interested in it,
I've done the work to upgrade the polkit package to 0.107. I've tested
this package locally. The main value of this upgrade (for me at least)
is systemd integration, including proper systemd-style bus activation.

This now wants a dedicated user and group, by default 'polkitd'.  I
re-used 102, which was listed as 'policykit' in the UID/GID database.
Hopefully it really was unused. The build depends on this user and group
already being present (otherwise 'make install' fails to chown some
directories, and polkitd fails to read them and dies).

It now depends on 'js', which I added. Addition of one more 8 MB dep
doesn't seem a problem.

As we now have pambase, the shipped pam config, which just uses
system-auth, is useful to us. I removed the old, locally written, pam

Let me know if you'd rather I put this patch in the bugtracker.
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