[arch-general] Lennart Poettering on udev-systemd

Baho Utot baho-utot at columbus.rr.com
Tue Aug 14 09:08:36 EDT 2012

On 08/14/2012 08:45 AM, Paul Gideon Dann wrote:
> On Monday 13 Aug 2012 12:34:26 Joakim Hernberg wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:50:16 +0530
>> Alternatively we will all be running systemd one day whether we
>> want to or not :(  I suspect that this has been the game plan all the
>> time though.  OK, flames away I guess :)
> Wow, this sounds so much like a conspiracy theory.  The fact is that the
> people who write the code inevitably dictate which software is maintained,
> based on their interests and convictions, and they're pretty much unanimous
> that systemd is a better solution to the problem of booting and maintaining
> daemons than the solution we currently have.
> So yeah, I guess that's been the game plan all along: make booting and daemon
> control more consistent, faster, and easier for most users to maintain.
> Paul

I don't understand your point....

What is so wrong with the booting using sysvinit?

I really don't need what systemd offers and sysvinit does everything I 
need and has not failed me.

So is your point that I need to move to systemd because the developers 
tell me I must?

As for systemd being better solution for the problem of booting the 
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I just don't see it, so why 
take away sysvint?

You can use systemd and I should be able to use what works for me and 
not be forced down the systemd path.

Isn't this what open source software freedom is all about or did I miss 
something....I have use linux from the redhat 5.2 (no I am not talking 
the enterprise version) days.

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